

5 beautiful winter skin care tips for a happy new year

The beautifully cold and silent winter draws people closer to one another for warmth. Isn’t it such a beautiful season full of love, festivals &merry holidays? Even eating is such a great feeling during winters, isn’t it, digging in hot spicy curries and slurping on steamy beverages!
Most of us look forward to winter all year long, yet when winter arrives somehow none of us are prepared enough.

Chilly winds, cold temperatures & hot showers wreak havoc on our skin leading to dehydration of skin cells. These dehydrated skin cells take time to recycle leaving behind a clogged layer of dead skin which hides the natural glow of your skin from the world.

Additionally, the lack of Collagen, the skin protein a scarcity of the skin protein, Collagen, in the skin is the cause behind most common skin-problems.

Here are 5 basic winter rules, you must swear by if you want that Cleopatra like glow:

  1. Drink lots of water: It’s easy to forget about drinking water in winters, when nothing makes you especially thirsty. Make sure you keep yourself hydrated.
  2. Lukewarm baths: Bathing is one of the most difficult things to think about during winters. If not for hot water geysers, I would never bathe in winter (wonder how the earlymen survived!) Make sure you are not depleting your skin off its natural moisture by taking really hot showers. Lukewarm is the way to go.
  3. Use a good moisturiser, regularly. Also, keep in mind that winter sun harms your skin as much as the summer sun. Keep your sunscreen handy when going out.
  4. Be Happy: Being happy always shows on your skin, so does being stressed. Think happy thoughts, organise your time well, spend time with family and enjoy some alone time. Recipe for a glowing skin!
  5. The key to having a naturally glowing skin is the optimum amount of Collagen in your skin. Unfortunately, the Collagen content in our skin decreases with age and what’s worse is that Collagen isn’t easily replaceable when relying solely on food intake. E.g. Evenif you abide by all the rules mentioned above but the collagen content in your skin is low, nothing quite works.

When no food materials will provide the required Collagen, it is only natural to turn to a food supplement which does the needful. Amino Collagen has been tried and tested all over the world for the past 20+ years and the results have been fantastical. You can order for Amino Collagen at or call at +91 9136010696 to know more.

Cuddle up and have a glorious winter!

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